ID: com.dustyreins.goodthoughts
Version: 1.2.18
Size: 3.3 Mb
Good Thoughts Screen Preview
How to install Good Thoughts apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Good Thoughts Details
Help create a more positive attitude by reading and sharing good thoughts.Current Features
EDIT Tab - This screen is where users can create and share a good thought in the form of a quote.
VIEW Tab - This screen is used to view the most recent quotes submitted by all users.
INFO Tab - In depth information about Good Thoughts.
Rules And Guidelines
Thought Sharing - Users are encouraged to submit their original good thoughts. Users are currently allowed to submit a real name or a username of your choice. If users choose to submit a quote from someone else, the name of the original source should be used if known. Please select an appropriate category for the shared quote.
Thought Viewing - The default listing of quotes shows the most recent shares with the least number of votes from all categories. Future versions will include the ability to limit listings by Categories.
Thought Ratings - Each quote card includes the current rating for a quote. Users are encouraged to rate quotes as future versions will include listings by most popular ratings. Rate a quote by tapping on the quote text. A new set of rating stars will appear. Users are limited to one rating per thought and are not allowed to rate their own shared thoughts.
Thought Banning - Users have the ability to help police the quality of shared thoughts by tapping on the first star in the rating bar. Banning a shared thought will keep the shared item from being seen again until our staff has reviewed the item for appropriate content.
Thought Content - Users are encouraged to share positive and uplifting thoghts. Thoughts should be family friendly and not contain content others would consider as offensive, spam or advertising. Such shared content should be banned immediately by users rating the content in these cases.
The Good Thoughts application currently does not capture or track information about the application's users. This policy may change in future versions if there is a significant problem with shared content. The application does make use of display advertising. Such advertising may include keeping track of your interests and could affect the types of advertising displayed according to your personal privacy settings. Such tracking information is maintained by Google and we do not have access to their data.
- Dusty Reins
What's new in Good Thoughts 1.2.18
* Users now have the ability to edit and update or delete their own shares.* A -Comments- topic has been added for better communication and feedback.
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